ESG Strategy Mediq

Envinronmental efforts

green envinronment with highway

We ensure ethical production and innovation

At Mediq, we strive to provide safe, high quality, effective products and services to our customers across the business, from supply chain through delivery. We select and closely cooperate with suppliers to ensure ethical production and seek innovation to reduce the environmental impact. In our day to day operations, we are committed to reducing the use of resources and the carbon footprint of our operations. We aim to reduce our impact on the environment in the areas where we can play the greatest role: waste, packaging material, and transportation. Furthermore, we’re committed to developing and fostering an inclusive, healthy, and engaged workforce through offering a stimulating and safe work environment where management and staff work together on building a culture of engagement, inclusivity and high performance.

Transitioning from CSR to ESG

At Mediq, conducting our business responsibly is at the heart of everything we do. Doing our business responsibly impacts our patients, healthcare providers, insurers, vendors, and, of course, our employees. That is the reason why we transitioned from a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focused approach to an encompassing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) model in 2023. Whereas CSR has traditionally emphasized ethical operations and sustainability initiatives, our new ESG strategy and framework takes an end to end perspective of our value chain. We publish our performance and progress status in our annual ESG (formerly CSR) reports.